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Welcome Father and Mrs. Kyle Clark and their three children! They will begin their residence at The Rectory, as Father Kyle begins his duties as the Vicar of St. Bede's, February 1st. We are so excited to have them on the campus of St. Bede's!
To start the New Year in a right spirit, our Senior Lay Reader, Lucky Lewis, asks you to read these prayers:
At the New Year
O Immortal Lord God, who inhabitest eternity, and hast brought us to the beginning of another year: Pardon, we humbly beseech thee, our transgressions of the past, and graciously abide with us all the days of our life: guard and direct us in all trails and temptations, that by thy blessing we may grow in grace as we grow in years, and at the last may finish our course with joy: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For Christian Homes
Visit we beseech thee, O Lord, our homes, and drive from them all the snares of the enemy; let thy holy Angels dwell therein to preserve us in peace, and let thy blessing be ever upon us ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Annual Epiphany Party on January 7th with a 50 year St. Bede's tradition after the Service: Epiphany Cake slicing.
January 14, 2018, dinner at the Church. Everyone is welcome. Come and Celebrate St. Bede’s 40 years and welcome our Bishop, the Right Reverend Paul Hewett.
We welcome 4 new “Parishioners” to St. Bede's Anglican